having been so fortified i made out towards the eastern plains to visit my red-headed friend kelly out in rural nunn (is that a redundancy?) i just had to follow county road 100 east until i saw the purple studio...
this is currently her teenage son's glass blowing place but sooner or later, hers ???
we caught up on art and life... she is a member of the altered book club i belong to and have really enjoyed getting to know her and her art... now we jumped into her honda and made straight for ault, another little eastern plains town with not one but four antique stores... we made out of there with inexpensive treasures plundered and ,for me, a bit of heartburn from the burrito at the little cafe (note to self: get the special next time)...
here's what i made off with...
a bunch of rusty, broken things that perplexed the two old ladies who ran one shop why a young grrl like me would wanna, a cute peice of jewlery kelly showed my, some old post cards
and some great old letter printing blocks...
i said adios to kelly and her kiddos
she told me about the big sunflower field, the ones with huge heads on them, just a mile or two up the road so i high tailed it to get more pix for the masses of you reading and lo and behold....
i ran back to town, grabbed my art from the artist's nook(the entallation ends tomorrow) and sat down with a bowl of cereal to blog... or not....
crunch...my temporary crown fell off and i am now digesting half of it....emergency call to the dentist, dr. bob. ooh boy, i have been in that dentist chair a lot lately with this darn molar...note to all who will listen: don't open essential oil bottle tops that stick with you teeth...
an hour later i got in the chair...
dr. bob made sure it all looked good...( round of applause for trina, please)
i love how my dentist looks like he just got off a surf board...dude! yes, he's as nice as he looks...i am not telling grant about my tooth just to see how long it is before he notices
i just love the blogs that have prizes for stupid trivia stuff, so... the title for this entry--who sang it and what is the song title...arty goodness comes your way with the correct answer...so now i can finally take a breath and...make dinner, feed the dog, do bills, clean the living room....aaarrr!