20 October, 2008

finding the scanner

...still unpacking after moving the last weekend in september...love love love our new house (see 2 posts back)...we are slowly making headway...if it wasn't for friend sara who is painting my kitchen, and friend john who dug post holes for the new fence, we'd be at square one...sorry, no pix as of now as i don't know where the scanner is...i think it's in the VW bus that is packed to the rafters with "stuff'." we are living fine without all of that stuff...funny how that goes...simplify, simplify, simplify...stay tuned, my 4 readers...i will return...


Andi said...

Glad to hear you are settling in a bit!

Anonymous said...

yay me hearty! welcome back to digital world! Will look forward to ics of your new place...

Lisabeth and Jeff said...

yipppeee! yer back! arrrrrrrr, grrreat to hear yer wee little voice grrrl!