not much art has happened in the past week as we are dealing with a broken kitty...last week i came home from a twelve hour shift to find my kansas city kitty walking from the back yard in shock...his jaw was broken in two places we soon found out...he was at the vet hospital for four nights... on the fifth day he had surgery to wire his jaw back into place and to have his top and bottom "canines", if you will, resined together, essentially wiring his jaw shut...
here's before the operation...

the cutiepie is our vet, Eric's daughter, can't see the mess kansas' jaw was in (do you really want to?) but you can tell somethings not right... here is a very unhappy cat...

there is just enough space for his tounge to get through.... no, grant didn't take a bullet in the forehead, he bumped it on some stainless steel edge in the kitty kennel before the kansas surgery...there are more details but i'll pass--let's just say he's had to return two more times to the vet, gone under general anesthesia twice more .......
he is now a very depressed kitty, hardly eating....
i like to look at the search of treasures ( i am a pirate)...i find my best rusty things along busier streets...more detris, flotsam and jestum....while grant and i looked at a run down 1910 farmhouse on trilby road this week, i looked on the wasn't hard to find junk....the yard had been used for a dump. literally. some people....
here's what i found...

the gnome was delighted as i was...notice the small machine gun? that will become a charm on a gun necklace i'm making...
now, what to do with junk one finds... art dolls are a great choice... i get great enjoyment in assemblage...taking disperate items and making them congeal into a coherent piece...
these are three that are from earlier in the year that i thought i'd share... salad tong fork, key, soldering dripping, copper wings from a nasty 60s wall art...the wings were put in a solution of miracle grow in order to get that oxidize look real quick...
here's one with a sewing machine lightbulb, wire screening, a crushed piece of thin metal i found in a parking lot in ithica, ny...and some solid metal stands or hangs on the wall...a fav...
the above piece is poorly fotographed...i'm still's a vintage spoon from some hotel, a sewing machine lever, wood, electrical parts, a watch face etc...
i invite you to go for a walk, look down and find that buried treasure that might just make it into your next art project... pop pirate, off looking for buried treasures....